I love to share my Vision about extracurricular Learning ‘malls’

I love to share my Vision about extracurricular Learning ‘malls’, open Spaces, where students go for and meet to grow because they love to come together for making experiences.

We all are these students.

The ‘school of life malls’… SLM vs LMS. 1:1 to x, flexible rooms for any situative or personal need…

True learning is after and before school… extracurricular self-determined, natural, adventural, social.

When i’ve experienced one learning, it is about, in the essence it is all about information and communication. And how we practice progress.

Front-of-class teaching by monologue of one is extremely ineffectual, most of the information aren’t processed.

I see people producing ‘digital products’ video courses more and more and do you know in most of the cases, how?

Front-of-class teaching by monologue in tons of videos… now spread without any concrete audience, isn’t that old wine in new skins? It’s not a progress, it’s a step backwards.

More and more front-of-class teaching digital monologue… okay we know more about anti-aging meanwhile too, but anyone else here who is not really amused to spend the precious lifetime with watching other one’s monologue for hours and hours?

Self Thinking is sexy, not being thought.

Self Learning is fun, not being teached.

Self expression is effective, not watching others talking about whatever.

We need role models, not blablabla.

Extracurricular School of Life ‘Malls’ where we can meet, talk, discuss, reflect, connect, be, grow, make experiences and sharing is caring.

My remote Co-working Space is a first step to a new environment of natural true learning experiences in communities and connections.

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