How to interact with toxic people?

As people mistreat others, they usually harbor a deep pain within themselves. While this doesn’t excuse hurtful behavior, it is important to know about that, for not to get automatically infected or recontaminated and this is a first step how to heal painful relationship patterns.
I’ve learned there are healthy and effective ways to deal with difficult people and relationships in our life.
How can we handle difficult people without losing our own actual peaceful feeling, thinking, being, doing, life…?
One of the greatest challenges and biggest blessings of being human is connecting with other people.
Do you have experienced one – or many, who treated you in a way, that wasn’t kind or loving?
Many of us are confronted in the first years of our lives with more or less loving and kind care-takers or other overwhelming situations.
In the neighbourhood, family and work life, our relationships often aren’t by choice, so here are social skills required in particular – and some involuntary emotional, vibrational, social-effecting … ‘coming-outs’ push up on the surface on and on, sometimes it seems like fireworks.
How you can free yourself from Toxic Relationships and destructive escalations. (i.e. friends, colleagues, family members, authorities, romantic partner…):
1. compassion (with the others’ trauma behind the behavior)
2. dont take sth personally
3. take care of yourself (abuse vs support+selfcare; and in any challenging moment, train an abrupt focus-change on your own inside effects without acting anything out in this moment, just observe and take time – sometimes a nap is required – for your clearing)
4. know its not up to you to fix/change others. Focus on the own responsibility and everybody elses’.
5. be a positive role-model. Persist – anyway – in Living your loving and kind, blissful and blessed being!
We all have one heart beating (for a while), breathe one air and are responsible for us in any way – and we have choices, i.e. how we want to use opportunities and chances and how we learn and create our life.
(based on and inspired by Doreen Virtue)