Goals are fine, BUT…


Years ago I reflected in a seminar about all the goal settings… especially in business and leadership trainings.

I came to the insight, we can only set goals inside our actual horizon. BUT, there is a tricky truth hidden… our horizon is growing with our own growing. Each learning, our horizon expands, each insight, our horizon spreads…

As we are learning creatures we stretch our horizon.

And there is another tricky thing around reaching goals… at least the moment we celebrate the achievement, a new goal pops up.

Do you have experienced that?

So I came to the conclusion…

Goals are fine, to inspire any moving, but only as long as we really, really, really love our journey.

Some goals may never will be met because we’ve learned on the journey and reached a new horizon, we now want a much more interesting goal.

Or we got it clear enough, it’s not about goals at all and we fall in love with the journey and stretch out over horizons.

“It’s easy to accept the defaults. But doing so can also be a recipe for regret.

As Bronnie Ware, the author of Top Five Regrets of the Dying has written, there is one regret people on their death beds have above all others: they wish they would have had the courage to live a life true to themselves, instead of the life others expected of them.”

Couldn’t agree more. Highly recommend this and everything from the great spirit of Chris Bailey.



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